Assalamwalekum my dear brothers and sisters, here you will get dua for breaking fast Ramadan PDF and MP3 download.
Ramadan is the blessed month for Muslims, they fast from sunrise to sunset for the whole month. From sunrise till sunset, they did not eat or drink water, they did ibadat and read the Quran Majid.
In his article, we will explore the importance of the dua before breaking fast and the importance of the month of Ramadan.
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What Is Ramadan And Why This Month Is Important?
Ramadan is the 10th month of the Islamic year which is based on the lunar eclipse. The month comes before Shawaal and after Shaban. In this month Muslims fast during the daytime from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan is the month of spiritual growth and devotion to Allah SWT. In Ramadan, the most important book The Quran Majid was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad SAW. Muslims observe the month of Ramadan by fasting and doing acts of charity and kindness.
Importance Of Making Dua At The Time Of Breaking Fast
Hazrat Muhammad SAW said, that there are three people whose dua or prayer never rejected, one who is a just ruler, another one is who is fasting and makes dua before breaking his fast, and the one of the oppressed person. The dua rises above the clouds and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and Allah SWT says, “By My Glory, I will answer you even if it is after a while.’”
Allah SWT is merciful and whoever makes dua while fasting is never rejected by Allah. When your hunger is at its peak. Making dua at the last moment strengthens your faith and makes you come closer to Allah SWT. Muslims fast for Allah SWT for the blessings and mercy of Allah SWT.
This month is very blessed and we should not let it go like that and make full use of this month. As Allah SWT said the blessings in this month are more than 70 times as compared to other months. So, why sit make dua, and earn the reward? We don’t know whether the blessed month is our last month. Ask Allah SWT for everything and He is the most merciful.
Ibn Majah reported from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“A fasting person, upon breaking his fast, has a supplication that will not be rejected.”
- Dua For Breaking Fast In Arabic, Urdu, English, And Hindi

Benefits Of Reciting Dua For Breaking Fast
- Allah SWT will accept the fast
- It strengthens your Imaan
- It makes you come closer to Allah SWT
- Allah SWT will be pleased with your fast
- Allah SWT fulfills all your desires.
- You are rewarded 70 times more.
- Reconnect Allah with your dua.
- Ask Allah SWT for gudance.
- If a person dies in Ramadan, his accountability decreases.
- Do For Allah’s Will.
Dua For Breaking Fast PDF
You can download the pdf of Dua for Iftar as it becomes easy for children to learn the Dua and it has many benefits of recitation. Make your children learn this dua and if you can also learn if not know this dua for iftar.
The recitation of Dua for breaking fast, and dua for Iftar is very blessed. However, it does not mean that Allah SWT will not accept your fast if you do not recite but it is better to recite dua before breaking the fast as strengthens your faith and Imaan. May Allah SWT accept all of us dua, and supplications and make us walk on the right path that is tough by Hazrat Muhammad SAW.