Assalamwalekum my dear brothers and sisters, here you will get the Ayat E Shifa PDF and MP3 download.
Every sick man wants to recover soon and today in this world everyone is engaged with sickness. In such cases, Allah SWT has blessed us with profound duas and wazifa from which you can recover from any disease.
What Is Ayat E Shifa?
Ayat e Shifa has been a powerful tool in the hands of Muslims for centuries that heal the mind and the soul of the person. These collective ayats have the power to heal severe diseases. Reciters or for the person it is recited have found great relief and comfort from these ayats. It is a natural healing method that soothes your mind and body.
Wazifa Of Ayat E Shifa
This is a combination of the several ayats that are believed if recited collectively have healing power. Recite these ayats repeatedly for seven, eleven, or twenty-one times. The purpose of this repeated recitation is to get the relief Allah SWT gave the healing power in these ayats as Allah SWT is the ultimate Healer.
Aayat e Ash-Shifa – Six Quranic Verses of Healing

Quran Majid is the last book that Allah SWT has revealed upon His Last Paigambar Hazrat Muhammad SAW over a time of 22 years. it is the book that has solutions to all the problems. It is not only a book but guidance from Allah SWT. The Ayats of the Quran Majid contains the spiritual cure for many worries and it enlightens the heart and soul. If a person truly believes and follows Islam and faith in Tawhid, the belief is enough for the removal of all the hardships.
Benefits Of Ayat E Shifa
- Ayat E Shifa is a powerful tool in the hands of Believers.
- The reciter can connect directly to Allah SWT.
- Get relief from Severe disease.
- It has the healing power.
- It provides a sense of comfort and tranquility.
- Gives physical healing benefits.
- Promote overall well-being.
- Provide spiritual benefits.
- Recite this for marriage.
- Come closer to Allah SWT with it.
Conclusion For Ayat E Shifa PDF
Ayate shifa is a powerful tool for reciting. Take advantage of the Ayat that has so much healing power. Allah SWT has given these ayats and we should take advantage of these various ayats collectively. Download the PDF for the removal of all your worries, download it from