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Islamic Books & Stories

Bibi Fatima Bio | बीबी फातिमा कौन थी | Prophet Muhammad Daughter

Bibi Fatima(R.A.) the beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his beloved wife Khadija. (RA) She is commonly known as Fatima Al-Zahra. In this article, you will get information about the beautiful life of Bibi Fatima.

Bibi Fatima Ki Kahani

She (RA) was the daughter of our Prophet Muhammad(SAW) and his wife Khadija (R.A). She was born 5 years before her father (PBUH) granted the first revelation from Allah Subhan Wa Ta’laa. At that time her father (SWT) was 35 years old and her mother (RA) was 50 years old.

She (RA) holds four titles Bibi Zahra, Batool, Umm al Hasan wal Husayn, and Ummu Abeeha. Bibi Fatima has two other sisters from her mother’s earlier marriage.

After the death of her mother, she is the one who took care of her father (PBUH). The hardest time for the family was when her mother died.

In the same year Abu Talib, who was the protector of Muhammad ( SAW) from the animosity of the Quraish also died.

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Fatima Bibi Marriage Life

Bibi Fatima married Mohammad’s(SAW) Cousin Ali. Ali was the first Shia Imam and the fourth of the Rashidun Caliphs. The second and third Shia Imam is Hassan and Hussain respectively.

Ali (R.A.) and Fatima (R.A.) lived in poverty. Ali was working hard and had done physical labor also. whereas Bibi Fatima was holding household work.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught his daughter a tasbih called Tasbih of Fatima, he ( PBUH ) taught this tasbih to help lessen their burden of poverty. The tasbih is Subhan Allah, Alhamdu-lillah and Allah hu Akbar. The financial condition improved after the Battle of Khaybar.

Wiladat Bibi Fatima A.S 20th Jamaadi ul Thani

Ibn Abbas narrates from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated,” My daughter Fatima is the foremost of all the women of the world, past, and future. She is a portion of me, the light of my eyes, the fruit of my heart, and a spirit that resides in my body… Be witness that I have granted her followers amnesty from the fire of hell.”

Birth of Bibi Fatima on 20 Jamadi ul Thani 5 years before her father’s declaration of Prophethood.

Wiladat Bibi Fatima on 14 Jamadi ul Awwal 11 AH according to the various tradition.

FAQ Related to Bibi fatima (A.S.)

1. What is the tasbeeh of Bibi Fatima?

Tasbih of Bibi Fatima also known as "Tasbih Hadhrat Zahra" or "Tasbih al-Zahra" is Subhan Allah, Alhamdu-lillah and Allah hu Akbar.

2. What is Eid e Zehra 2022?

Also known as Eid E Shuja 9 Rabi ul Awwal, Bayt Bayt, Imam Hussain, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Imam Hassan Askari (as) Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

3. What is the date of Shahadat of Bibi Sakina?

Shahadat of Hussains (A.S.)beloved daughter Sakina was on 13th Safar.Sakina was the most beloved daughter of Hussain.

4. What Imam Ali said about Fatima?

Iman Ali (A.S.) love and respect FAtima Zahira so much that he (A.S.)never married another woman during her lifetime. He(A.S.) said, “When I looked at her, my griefs and sorrows were relieved."

5. What was the age difference between Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima?

At the time of marriage Fatima age reported to be between nine or twenty one and Hazrat Ali(R.A.) was twenty two years old.

Mohd Shadab Irshad

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