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Prayer Time & Islamic Calendar

East London Mosque Prayer Times 2024

The East London Mosque is a significant religious place or institution located in the heart of London city. It serves as a spiritual and peaceful for the Muslim community. the Mosque has a rich history and a commitment to inclusivity, The mosque plays a vital role in fostering a sense of unity, providing religious guidance, and offering a space for worship. In this article, we give information related to the various aspects of the East London Mosque Prayer Times, community engagement, and the profound impact it has on the lives of its visitors.

East London Prayer Times 2024

25th of April 2024 Today East London Mosque Prayer Times are Fajr Time at 4:05 AM, Zuhr Time at 1:04 PM, Asr Time at 5:59 PM, Maghrib Time at 8:18 PM & Isha Time at 09:31 PM. Today’s East London Mosque Prayer Times are based on the Islamic Date.

JAMAAH Time -13.00 PM

Fajr Sunrise Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
4:05 AM 5:40 AM 1:04 PM 5:59 PM 8:18 PM 09:31 PM

East London Mosque Prayer Times Based on: London Central Mosque

The East London Mosque

The East London Mosque stands as a testament to the resilience and perseverance of the Muslim community in London. The mosque was established in 1941, it has continuously evolved to meet the needs of its growing congregation. Initially located in a small house, the mosque was expanded by the growing need of the worshiper and had undergone several expansions. The place provides additional space for the worshipper for salah facilities for community engagement.

East London Mosque Prayer Times

  • The Importance of Prayer in Islam

Prayer holds immense significance in the Islamic faith, serving as a direct connection between individuals and Allah Subhan Wa Taa’La. Muslims are obligated for daily five prayers which are farz, known as Salah, at particular times throughout the day. The East London Mosque serves as a vital hub for facilitating these prayers, providing a structured and peaceful environment for Muslims.

  • Daily Prayer Schedule East London Mosque Prayer Times

The East London Mosque follows a particular prayer time schedule that adheres to the lunar calendar and the principles outlined in Islamic teachings. The timings are available from the Mosque website and from the bulletin board displayed at the mosque. It allows the visitor who visited for namaz to stay informed and plan their worship accordingly. The schedule typically includes Fajr (pre-dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (night) prayers.

  • Jumu’ah (Friday) East London Mosque Prayer Times

Jumah prayer is the most significant prayer for Muslims, Jumah prayer is held on Fridays. The East London Mosque witnesses a flood of worshippers during this time, as the community comes together for a collective congregational prayer. The mosque’s administration ensures that the worshippers get the proper space for their salah appropriate arrangements are made to accommodate a large number of attendees, fostering an environment of spirituality and unity.

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Community Engagement And Services

  • Educational Programs and Seminars

The East London Mosque is committed to enriching the knowledge and understanding of Islam among its community members. for community members it offers various educational programs, seminars, and workshops for individuals of all ages, promoting an environment of visitors to continuous learning. These initiatives cover a wide range of topics, including Quranic studies, Islamic history, theology, and contemporary issues, fostering intellectual growth and spiritual development.

  • Social Welfare and Support

In addition to its religious services, the East London Mosque actively engages in social welfare and support initiatives. It runs a number of programs aimed at assisting vulnerable individuals and families, regardless of their faith or background. These initiatives include food banks, homeless shelters, counseling services, and financial assistance programs, embodying the Islamic principle of compassion and social responsibility.

  • Interfaith Dialogue and Outreach

Promoting harmony and understanding among diverse communities is a core value at the East London Mosque. The mosque actively participates in interfaith debates and outreach programs, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect between people who come from different religious backgrounds. Mosques often host events, seminars, and open-house sessions, the mosque creates opportunities for meaningful conversations and a shared commitment to social cohesion.


The East London Mosque stands as a beacon of spirituality, community, and service, deeply rooted in Islamic principles and committed to nurturing a harmonious society. With East London Mosque Prayer Times, community engagement initiatives, and a focus on inclusivity, the mosque plays a vital role in meeting the religious, educational, and social needs of Muslims in East London and beyond. As it continues to serve as a center of worship, knowledge, and compassion, the East London Mosque remains an integral part of the rich tapestry of London’s diverse religious landscape.

Mohd Shadab Irshad

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